The Nature of Transformation

Lessons from a Potato


Humans are constantly striving for perfection, and dream of immortality. Nature is able to achieve this aspiration in an exemplary way. Often ignoring the cycles of nature, humans declare  materials as waste/dead before their time is actually over. When we look at  the potato we are offered a metaphor of this type of process. The potato grows, get harvested, is cleaned to perfection, loosing its natural protection, it gets green and produces Solanin, a toxic green substance that invades the skin of the potato making it inedible. Tonnes of potatoes are thrown as garbage around the world every year. The aim of this project is to show that everything we need already exists in nature, and that it is simply about transforming a raw material that we can explore its many uses. The potato was chosen as raw material by considering several aspects like global availability, efficiency in production, waste management and natural composition.

The design of the future should respect the raw material by mirroring its behaviour. The potato is a natural pot, unlike other major field crops, they are reproduced vegetatively, from other potatoes. Apparently one of the most primitive fruits in nature, the potato, will be treated through an unsophisticated processes of micronizing, fermenting, molding, heating and drying to transform it to new sophisticated material.  From this process we create a material that dries and solidifies in the sun into a pot where domesticated plants are planted. In there, new life will grow and feed off of its container. Through a gentle process, and by recognizing nature as perfectly engineered, a single product of nature is transformed into a favorable product for nature.

A totem created by Jannis Schäfer Studio, titled 'The Nature of Transformation: Lessons from a Potato.' The sculpture features various biomaterials made from 100% potato, including elements that are fermented, 3D printed, hand-formed, and molded. The totem is a complex assemblage of different shapes and textures, demonstrating innovative processing techniques.
A totem created by Jannis Schäfer Studio, titled 'The Nature of Transformation: Lessons from a Potato.' The sculpture features a biomaterial made from 100% potato, including elements that are fermented and 3D printed and form the shape of a potato.
A totem created by Jannis Schäfer Studio, titled 'The Nature of Transformation: Lessons from a Potato.' The sculpture features various biomaterials made from 100% potato, including elements that are fermented, 3D printed, hand-formed, and molded. The totem is a complex assemblage of different shapes and textures, demonstrating innovative processing techniques.
An overview of different manufactured biomaterials created by Jannis Schäfer Studio, titled 'The Nature of Transformation: Lessons from a Potato.' The image showcases various forms made from 100% potato using techniques such as fermentation, 3D printing, hand forming, and molding. The pieces vary in shape and texture, demonstrating the versatility and transformation of potato-based biomaterials.
© Jannis Schäfer 2024